Very few American norms are as damaging to the healthy functioning of our republic than an over-reliance on precedent in charting our future course. We must examine past decisions to learn lessons on how we might make different choices moving...
Government Reform
That would be my first question of Henry "Hank" Paulson as he tries to railroad this country into a bad deal. Those would be quickly followed by a few others: Who's getting fired? Who's going to jail? What regulations will...
What are we getting for our 700 billion dollars?
It is clear from the Constitution that we were not meant to have an enormous, world-straddling military. That what military we did possess should used as a defense mechanism and not a tool of global dominance. The founders were quite...
An American Renaissance – Turning Our Military Industrial Capacity Into Entrepreneurial & ...
If I were going to suggest a series of books that President Barack Obama and his administration read it would be three novels by Kim Stanley Robinson. It is a tale set in a world with rapid climate change dominating...
Forty Signs of Rain
As we observe another Memorial Day with the lives of the American military still being wasted on imperial folly, some thoughts occurred to me about the "Commander in Chief" meme, our "projected" military capacity and our founding documents. The constitution is pretty...
Standing Armies – A Constitutional Dilemma
I came across a story earlier this month that really pissed me off. I realize that it is from USA Today, which makes it automatically suspect for many, but the core study that the story speaks to is very disturbing indeed....