With the enthusiasm and attention being paid to this year's election, I find it increasingly odd the way America's new-found interest in such a fundamental feature of our democracy is being characterized by the corporate "news" media. On this morning's...
Corporate Media
A front-page article on TPM "explains" how Obama seems to be running from "who he is" by playing to small crowds in small town libraries and gymnasiums. That Barack needs to embrace his true identity as a "celebrity" as being...
Preaching to the Choir
Has anyone else had a conversation with another Obama supporter that includes the above sentence ? This conversation occurred with my best friend over the weekend as we discussed our mutual candidate. He has been supporting the man for longer...
“I’ll vote for him – I’m just saying…”
I officially take back every bad thing I have said about TPM, though I still think it would be a no-brainer to tailor their Internet development strategy to be more responsive to requests by their members. They should be turning out...
Your Comment has been Deleted by the “Bad Word” Filter – The ...
OK. That may seem a little harsh, I know, but what else makes the least bit of sense? Either that or he's a traitor. Which is it Tim? Stupid or sinister? Chuck Todd, too. There is simply no way these...
Tim Russert is an Idiot
In an attempt to set the record straight as we tip-toe into the general election and the primary season winds to a close, I want to begin a series of blog posts related to the general election match-up between Barack...
Busting Popular Obama Myths
I had an epiphany yesterday while talking to my ultra-hip cousin who lives in Harlem and is a big Obama supporter. We were discussing how it is that the traditional corporate media outlets continue to act as if today's Internet...