Sorry for an F-Bomb before you even get in the door, but I read something last night that pissed me off so bad that a fuck derivative was the only way to get the point across before moving on to...
I finally got my high-definition receiver this past weekend for the new flat-screen TV we finally bought for Christmas. I was flipping through the pathetically small line-up of true HD programming when I happened upon Fox News HD. The Glenn...
I recently saw your blog at TPMCafe. Having read some of your excellent posts, and the description of yourself, I'm very curious as to what a "Progressive Conservative" embodies? Given your impressively thoughtful posts, I am really interested to hear...
I learned to love Fridays these last few months, newly appreciative of weekends after 18 months of telecommuting contract work. I had finally landed a Dream Job at a Dream Company. Life had stabilized into something more suitable for long-term...
A funny thing happened on the way to our Change - everything stayed the same except our new president. The same tired rhetoric from both sides of the aisle from the same tired partisan warriors in the same shrill and...
I think Kellogg's owe Michael Phelps an apology. He also might have a case of wrongful dismissal if they already signed contracts and agreed to payment terms. Kellogg's has been killing Americans for decades using food packed with high-fructose corn...
Some may not have thought I had it in me, but I always planned to critique Barack's performance when necessary. It's become necessary. Riding home on the Metro tonight, I read a four-page article on the mobile New York Times...
I have come to the conclusion that even as pragmatic and reasonable people accomplish great things over the coming years of an Obama administration, all we will see and hear in the near future (both on- and off-line) will be...