For the last 40 years, America has lived George Orwell's worst nightmare. It was a bit more subtle than Orwell had imagined, but our domination by powerful men was no less complete. We have been fed propaganda instead of news...
Jason Everett Miller
I live in the Capital Hill section of northeast Washington DC. The area is a pretty diverse mix for the most part, and we have tons of people from Maryland who come through here on their way to other parts...
Angry Monkeys Driving Turbo-Charged Bullets
From 1919 to 1933, we conducted a national experiment in drug prohibition. The drug of choice at that time (besides marijuana and opium) was alcohol. The 18th Amendment made it illegal and sparked off a bloody war that only the...
Our Other Unconstitutional War
It is clear from the Constitution that we were not meant to have an enormous, world-straddling military. That what military we did possess should used as a defense mechanism and not a tool of global dominance. The founders were quite...
An American Renaissance – Turning Our Military Industrial Capacity Into Entrepreneurial & ...
OK. That may seem a little harsh, I know, but what else makes the least bit of sense? Either that or he's a traitor. Which is it Tim? Stupid or sinister? Chuck Todd, too. There is simply no way these...
Tim Russert is an Idiot
If I were going to suggest a series of books that President Barack Obama and his administration read it would be three novels by Kim Stanley Robinson. It is a tale set in a world with rapid climate change dominating...
Forty Signs of Rain
Flying back from my uncle's wedding in Oregon, I was sitting next to a towering 70-year-old former school teacher and superintendent whom I'll call Mr. Montana. He mostly ignored me while I read my book during the first half of...
American Dialects
As we observe another Memorial Day with the lives of the American military still being wasted on imperial folly, some thoughts occurred to me about the "Commander in Chief" meme, our "projected" military capacity and our founding documents. The constitution is pretty...